In 2021, of which 71 construction workers in work accidents, in 2020 of which 57 workers and in 2019 84 workers. As I walk through the Gordians waiting for construction sites of residential buildings, TMA, are projects in which much is invested. I ask myself, with all the grandeur of the building, how many people had to pay in their lives for this building to stand? And where is their voice heard? State negligence and neglect on the part of construction workers, without the control and enforcement of safety procedures, have caused many to deprive their lives of work at construction sites. Construction companies try to shirk responsibility, hide under the rug the accidents, sloppy on safety measures and inspectors, just to save a few pennies. The project came to flood the deaths in construction accidents. Make the voice of those who perished, can not shout and are buried at construction sites forever.